Facilities Condition Assessment and Facilities Master Plan

Welcome Center, Admin, & Community Hub

Engaging with all campus and community members in a secure way.

SCUSD's LCAP goal areas include Engagement and Empowerment of families and the school community.  Goal 4 relates to safety and security by creating a positive school climate:  “School and classroom learning environments will become safer, more inclusive, and more culturally competent through the active dismantling of inequitable and discriminatory systems affecting BIPOC students, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Foster Youth, and Homeless Youth.”

To support these LCAP goals, a holistic approach to improve safety and security acknowledges that what is good for future-ready learning environments also supports safety. The relational interaction between human, environmental, and technological tenets is critical to the development of safer schools.  The foundation of safe and secure schools is the development of healthy relationships between students and teachers. Future design teams must create spaces where students feel comfortable with their physical and human surroundings and contribute to building a positive school climate.  For some students who live in tough neighborhoods, school is their safe haven where they feel safe, comfortable and ready to learn.

The Welcome Center, Admin and Community Hub  work together to sustain our parent, student and community partnerships.  The Welcome Center experience supports rituals around day’s beginning and end, gives staff the opportunity to check in with the social and emotional wellbeing of students, and assures parents they are handing their children into a safe, positive environment. As a work environment, the Admin workplace empowers staff to support the individualized needs of their students and families, advocate on their behalf, and ensure that every child has access and opportunity to thrive both within and beyond their school environment. In some communities, parent involvement is exceptionally high.  In other communities, there are families with a variety of needs who would benefit from additional support. The Community Hub empowers each campus to “fit out” the space in a way that best supports their community.