SCUSD will work with local municipalities and provide crossing guards to make sure students walking are safe. California's Safe Routes to School Partnership is based on programs in Denmark, Copenhagen which encourage walking, skating, scooting, biking, carpooling to overcome transportation challenges. Programs in the United States such as the “3 Block Challenge” encourage parents to park and walk three blocks to school at least once a week to reduce traffic and pollution around the school. This program not only helps alleviate traffic congestion, but it also raises a child’s awareness of their role in environmental stewardship, creates additional time for parents to spend with their children, teaches children the essentials of traffic safety and instills good daily habits for fitness in children.
Does the campus have the infrastructure needed to support multiple transportation modes? Is it safe to walk to school?
In addition to managing a variety of users—students, parents, community and business partners, the Welcome Center supports many modes of transportation, from access pathways, covered areas with outdoor furniture to bike/scooter storage for students and adults.