Facilities Condition Assessment and Facilities Master Plan


Occupational, physical, and other therapies.

Provide space for Resource Specialists to provide services and use equipment not normally provided in mainstream classrooms or SDC classrooms. These may include psychology and counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and/or adaptive physical education depending on the specific campus and grade level.

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Are there settings that stimulate the senses?


Are there cozy spaces that support students' need for reflection or quiet time away from the group?

Outdoor Learning

Are there spaces teachers can use to facilitate learning activities outdoors?

Learning Center

The Learning Center is centrally located and houses the Resource Specialist Program (RSP) to provide a space during and after school hours for students with disabilities to receive extra support in areas of need: academic, social, and emotional.

Outdoor Learning

Ensure natural daylight and access to Outdoor Learning to support hands-on learning and give students agency to choose from a variety of settings.