Facilities Condition Assessment and Facilities Master Plan


Is there performance event space for large groups as well as the whole school community?

Provide performance event space for large groups to the whole school community.  Provide the community with space to be able to use school facilities for larger performances and/or students use community facilities for larger performances. In addition to formal spaces for events such as auditoriums and amphitheaters provide space for events with portable stages and some seating (e.g. commons, flexible Media Resources and Multi-purpose rooms).

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Performance Space

To what extent is space for performing arts supported?  Is it in alignment with the programs planned at the District and campus level?


Is there space suitable for vocal group practice ? Is there dedicated space with acoustics that simulate a real theater? Is there a soundproofed instrumental music room?

Community Partners

Locate spaces for performances and presentations to make them easily accessible for community events after hours  and mentoring by community and industry partners during school hours after they come through the Welcome Center.